Anarchy Legends Online – 3 years of updates

Dear friends,
since I love you but I like to make you suffer sweetly, here is the long list of updates that from the Technical Test version to today (Beta v.001) I have documented on the Discord channel in these 3 years. All these changes have made Anarchy Legends Online a better and more complete game.

– MAP 01
– MAP 02
– MAP 03
– New Game Mode > Protector
– New Legend > Valzma
– New Legend > Raznom
– New Legend > Sahori
– New Legend > Rhadec
– New Legend > Zanclen
– New Legend > Satakowa
– New Legend > Aepha
– New Legend > Doymera
– New Legend > Sudhia
– New Weapon > SPC-01 (Special Weapon – Pistol Shield)
– New Weapon > PST-01 (Pistol)
– New Weapon > PST-02 (Pistol)
– New Weapon > PST-03 (Pistol)
– New Weapon > PST-04 (Pistol)
– Skins for all Legends
– Auto Login
– Stamina decrease by 25% when Rolling
– Deathmatch Mode > Score Points > Killed Leader (100 XP)
– Deathmatch Mode > Score Points > New Leader (200 XP)
– Advanced Control Settings
– When the character is in the prone position near a wall, its legs now bend. This prevents the legs from penetrating the wall
– Many destructible/explosive vehicles/objects
– Skrampf, Fazern and Kurtz > Tactical Ability > On-screen Icon
– The Tactical Ability now plays a SFX when it can be activated
– The Tactical Ability icon is now colored when it can be activated
– Specific hitmarker when hitting explosive objects
– Specific hitmarker when hitting ballistic shields
– Health bar above the heads of teammates and opponents
– Icons of Legends as teammate markers
– Teammates’ usernames and their markers are always visible on the screen
– Legends icons in the killfeed
– Spawn VFX
– Death VFX
– Headshot VFX
– Match Bonus XP
– Won Match XP
– Server Browser Menu > Friendly Fire Icon
– Now you can restore the default key bindings
– Settings Menu > Video > Display > FPS Limit > 480Hz and 500Hz
– AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.2.1
– When aiming, the character now becomes slightly out of focus to give more emphasis to the aimed target
– Help Screen > Game Modes > Teams and Solo Icons
– Player Stats
– 5 DLC
– 81 Steam Achievements
– ALO Coins in Steam Inventory
– Safe/Spawn Zone Countdown
– Leaver Status/Penalty
– Ban System
– Time Limit Reached [20 minutes]
– Game Settings > Headshots Only
– Login Screen > Play Offline Training
– Scoreboard > SteamID64 appears when you hover the cursor over a player’s username

– When you die, the crosshair with 4 dots (it indicates where you’re really aiming) not go away remaining on the screen for the rest of the match
– Rolling SFX is always replicated from one player to another regardless of distance
– Rolling SFX when Proning is always replicated from one player to another regardless of distance
– Sliding SFX is always replicated from one player to another regardless of distance
– Climbing SFX is always replicated from the clients to the host regardless of distance
– 3 Ladder-related bugs
– 3 Rolling-related bugs
– “Vault” logo appears but you can’t vault when the character is not correctly oriented towards an obstacle/window/wall
– The equipped weapon remains in the air if its owner leave/quit
– If you press the run button and the aim button immediately after switching weapons, the character walks too fast
– In Deathmatch Mode, the UI shows the current winner (usually the host) even if its kills are equal to zero
– The character doesn’t roll if it’s too close to a climb/vault area
– Optic > Marksman Sight > The range finder (RNG) shows some incorrect distances
– When a player joins in a game that has already started, explosive objects that have already been exploded appear unexploded
– Kurtz > Tactical Skill > In some cases, explosions distort the sound
– Aroniux, Cypherus, Fujiko, Hidelyn and NovaDOS > Tactical Ability > A double deactivation sound is emitted instead of a single one
– Skrampf and Fazern > Tactical Ability > Sometimes two charges are spawned with a single grenade
– Chyberia, Skrampf and Fazern > Tactical Ability affects teammates even if friendly fire is not enabled
– If two players have the same Steam username, kills between them are considered suicide in the killfeed and in the Killed By screen
– In some rare cases, the health points of a character who is still alive are zero due to a rounding calculation
– When being hit by a teammate, Damage Overlay and Damage Indicator are visible even if friendly fire is not enabled
– If ammo is zero, Tactical Abilities that use projectiles cannot be fired
– In the First Person View, the Stance Indicator remains white if you change the pose while the Tactical Ability is activated
– In the First Person View, some sights are not compatible with Fujiko’s Tactical Ability
– When a Legend is not aiming and is standing near a surface at a specific angle, it continues to move the weapon up and down trying to decide how to position the weapon
– A bug that occurs when shooting in bursts while the Tactical Ability of some Legends is enabled
– Capture [Game Mode] > The position of the puppet is now reset if the player who owns it enters a spawn zone
– If you reload a moment before climbing the ladder, the weapon (or parts of it) can remain visible
– The character occasionally ends up off the map when vaulting over an obstacle immediately after rolling
– Climb/Vault > On some occasions, icons remain visible after being killed and they are present on the screen after respawning regardless of the distance from that climb/vault area
– Login Screen > Auto Login > The user password previously saved on the device is not loaded, forcing the player to enter it manually
– Legend Select Screen > After a respawn, the Legend’s name remains “Cypherus” regardless of the previously chosen Legend
– Kurtz > Tactical Ability > Explosions are not always visible and audible to other players
– Deathmatch [Game Mode] > Leaderboard and End Game Menu > Sorted by kills
– Minor Fixes

– New Anarchy Legends Online text logo
– Players Migration from an ended match to a new one
– Bots > New character model with different random skins
– When you die, the chat window now remains above the Character/Weapons Selection Menu
– SignUp Menu > Added “Confirm Password” and “Confirm Email”
– Change Email Menu > Added “Confirm Email”
– Rolling 2.0 > Added a directional boost when rolling
– Rolling 2.0 > Now you can roll while crouching
– Increased Gravity Scale when Falling
– First Person View > Crosshairs > Motion Blur Removed
– Main Menu capped at 60 fps
– Skrampf, Fazern and Kurtz > If they are dead, now their tactical abilities cannot harm opponents to avoid shoot-and-forget abuse and their related on-screen icons turn white to show their harmlessness
– The sound design of bursts of fire is now more dynamic and realistic
– Reduced the sub-bass frequencies and the volume of opposing weapons
– Chat > Font size has been reduced
– Settings Menu > Video > Display > Supersampling settings have been merged with the Resolution Scale settings which now allows you to set the internal resolution from 50% up to 400%
– Muzzle flash VFX > Performance and realism improvements
– Explosions and other VFX > Performance improvements
– CRB-02 > New weapon model
– SHG-04 > New weapon model
– Domination, Fool of the Hill and Capture [Game Modes] > New base model
– Reload 2.0 > Now the magazines are detached from the weapons and attached to the left hand and vice versa
– Reload 3.0 > Reloading/No Ammo on-screen text added
– Vaulting 2.0 > Several minor improvements
– Several changes to the netcode to get smoother movements especially when the ping is not low enough
– Siege [Game Mode] > Tickets are now based on the maximum number of players that can join a game
– Domination [Game Mode] > If the maximum number of players who can join a game is less than 10 (2/4/6/8), the 5 Control Points are now reduced to 3
– To avoid unbalanced matches in team game modes, the maximum number of players who can join a game is now always a multiple of 2 (2/4/6/8/10/12)
– [VAULT], [CLIMB], [INTERACT] and “Control Point” are more readable on any color
– Color Blind Mode 2.0 > There are now 7 types of color blindness
– Now you can Ping without aiming
– FPS View > Now you always hit where you aim
– FPS View > The visibility and realism of some sights has been improved
– Aroniux, Cypherus, H7-27, Hidelyn and NovaDOS > Tactical Ability > VFX
– Liminal Lizard [Map] > Robots > New model
– Server Browser > Ping > For more immediate reference, there is now an icon showing the connection quality instead of milliseconds
– HUD has been partially minimized
– Performance and realism of muzzle flash and shell ejection
– Increased security
– Minor improvements

– The character’s speed when walking has been increased by 37.5%
– Settings Menu > Controls > Advanced Control Settings> 1st Person View Sensitivity > New user-friendly Optic Default Values. This will not overwrite the values you have previously set
– Veraglitz > Tactical Skill > Damage decreased from 45 HP to 35 HP
– Window/Obstacle Vault Animation > Speed increased by 25%
– Skrampf and Fazern > Tactical Ability > Duration reduced from 18 to 12 seconds
– H7-27 > Tactical Ability > If HP = 100, now it increases health to 130 HP (it was 120 HP)
– Fujiko > Tactical Ability > Duration decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
– Fall damage reduced by 50%
– Last Legend Standing > Warm-up time reduced from 30 seconds to 10
– Last Legend Standing [Game Mode] > Auto Deploy Time reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds
– New Tactical Ability SFX
– The time to leave the enemy area has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds
– Team Kill = -500 XP (it was -200 XP)
– SMG-01 > RPM Increased from 1100 to 1200
– SMG-01 > Stability Increased from 80/100 to 90/100
– SMG-07 > RPM Increased from 1000 to 1200
– SMG-09 > Mobility Decreased from 100/100 to 80/100
– SMG-09 > Magazine Capacity Increased from 32 to 33
– SMG-09 > Ammunition Increased from 128 to 132
– Dread is now called Mirakleva and its aesthetic appearance has changed
– Explosive objects > HP > Significantly reduced
– Minor changes

Thank you for your support over the years, the release of Anarchy Legends Online is very close: Q3 2024.